It is easy to forget that most of our lawns and landscapes hide a maze of underground utilities that are critical to the function of our homes. These lines are easily damaged and can pose a very real danger if disturbed. Always call before you dig in your lawn and mark utilities.

Utility Lines

All utilities should be marked prior to digging since digging can involve cutting into soil where these lines are supposed to be located. Utility lines should be buried deeply enough that most lawn work will not harm them, but that is not always the case. Too often phone and cable installers take short cuts and, rather than installing the cables below the surface where they are supposed to be, they lay the cables on top of the soil just before the sod is laid. Verticutting or core aeration over an improperly installed cable can cut off service to your home until the line is replaced. If the line was improperly installed the repair will be free but your home is still without service.

They will mark utilities for free when you call before you dig. Call 3-4 days in advance to allow time for each utility company to mark their lines.

  • Call 1-800-Dig-Right

Sprinkler Systems

Sprinklers systems are another matter. They are especially vulnerable to core aeration and verticutting since sprinkler heads and valve boxes are at the surface but usually out of sight. It is important for all sprinkler heads and valve covers to be flagged prior to verticutting or core aeration. Wire flags are available at most hardware stores and should be placed by sprinkler heads and along lines. These flags can be placed by you or your sprinkler company. They may charge a fee for this service.

While marking lines can take some time, the amount of work to replace damage is well worth the effort. If you have any questions about preparing for your fall seeding, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (913)789-9333 or contact Martz Bros. ONLINE.

Call before you dig text with telephone and shovel