
Benefits of Native Plants

2017-10-05T19:09:09-05:00By |Flowers, Garden, Ideas, Landscaping, Spring Lawn Care|

There are so many reasons to find an area for native plants in your lawn. Native plants create beautiful garden areas with less work and cost. Facts about Native plants: Help conserve water Reduce mowing, labor, fertilizer and pest management costs Provide a habitat for birds, butterflies and other wildlife Protect and enrich the soil [...]

Prepare for Extreme Cold Temperatures

2017-10-05T19:09:09-05:00By |Flowers, Maintenance, Weather, Winter Lawn Care|

When extreme cold temperatures hit, special preparation should be taken to protect your home and lower heating costs. It may seem like a long list, but even minor changes can make a big difference. Following these steps can save money by preventing damage and keeping the warm air in your home, during cold temperatures: Blow [...]

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