Tree Care

How to care for your trees

Oak Mites Descends Upon Kansas City

2017-10-05T19:09:10-05:00By |Fall Lawn Care, Pests, Tree Care, Weed Control|

The oak mite has people and their pets scratching. Native to Europe, this pest was first detected in the Kansas City area in 1994. The mites cause itchy, red welts that have small blisters in their center Unlike chiggers that mostly concentrate in restricted areas around waste bands and socks, oak itch mite bites are [...]

Powdery Mildew

2017-10-05T19:09:11-05:00By |Fertilization, Grass Seeding, Spring Lawn Care, Tree Care, Weather|

If areas of your lawn look like they are covered with white powder or worse, white paint, you have powdery mildew.? Its a very common disease that thrives in cool, wet conditions in the winter and spring. Powdery mildew is most common and most damaging in areas with heavy shade and poor air circulation. Some [...]

Pine Sawfly Alert

2017-10-05T19:09:12-05:00By |Fertilization, Pests, Spring Lawn Care, Tree Care|

Now is the time to watch pines for the presence of pine sawfly larvae. Watch for these Signs: The culprit is the larvae of a broad-waisted wasp that looks a lot like a house fly. Eggs are laid at the ends of pine branches during the summer. Eggs begin to hatch in early to mid-April. [...]


2017-10-05T19:09:12-05:00By |Garden, Ideas, Tree Care, Winter Lawn Care|

There are many creative Christmas Tree Recycling Options. At the very least, be sure to take your tree to a local recycling center. KC: Kansas City Tree Recycling Mulch: The shedding needles can be used as mulch in your garden, and the branches can be added to your compost pile. Pine needles dry quickly and decompose [...]


2017-10-05T19:09:13-05:00By |Lawn Care, Mowing, Tree Care, Watering|

Trees are a beautiful part of landscaping, but can make growing a plush, green lawn difficult. If part of your lawn is in heavy shade, it will need special care. Inadequate sunlight reduces photosynthesis, the process that produces food for the plant. Without this natural food, the lawn becomes very weak. Heavily shaded turf is [...]

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