lee’s summit

Keep Mower Blades Sharpened Regularly

2018-05-25T12:42:35-05:00By |Fall Lawn Care, Lawn Care, Maintenance, Mowing, Spring Lawn Care, Summer Lawn Care|

While mowing with a sharp blade is important for the look of the lawn, a sharp mower blade also plays an important role in a lawn's health. Below are some important benefits and reasons to sharpen mower blades regularly: A dull blade rips and tears the grass blade, leading to a higher susceptibility for disease [...]

Apply Pre-Emergent in Beds

2017-10-05T19:09:12-05:00By |Fertilization, Flowers, Garden, Landscaping, Spring Lawn Care|

It's time to Apply Pre-Emergent in Beds The first round of pre-emergent in flower, shrub, and vegetable gardens should be applied in March or early April but not before mulch is applied first. There are, however, exceptions to that generalization when you apply pre-emergent. Each year we see the same costly pre-emergent and mulch mistakes. [...]

Pine Sawfly Alert

2017-10-05T19:09:12-05:00By |Fertilization, Pests, Spring Lawn Care, Tree Care|

Now is the time to watch pines for the presence of pine sawfly larvae. Watch for these Signs: The culprit is the larvae of a broad-waisted wasp that looks a lot like a house fly. Eggs are laid at the ends of pine branches during the summer. Eggs begin to hatch in early to mid-April. [...]


2017-10-05T19:09:12-05:00By |Flowers, Garden, Landscaping, Leaf Removal, Spring Lawn Care|

Early spring is a great time to begin work in the garden. The weather is getting nice and preparing your yard and garden for the season is a great reason to get outside. The following March gardening tips will get your lawn and garden ready for the season: Vegetables – Now is the time to plant peas, [...]


2017-10-05T19:09:12-05:00By |Grass Seeding, Lawn Care, Spring Lawn Care, Watering|

If your lawn was seeded early last fall there are a few spring watering tips that you should be aware of: Don’t be surprised to see weeds in your lawn this spring. Most fall seeded lawns sprout a lot of broadleaf weeds over the fall and winter due to soil disturbance and frequent watering. This is perfectly [...]


2017-10-05T19:09:12-05:00By |Ideas, Leaf Removal, Spring Lawn Care, Tools|

Even if cleaned last fall, it is a good idea to check gutters and downspouts to prevent expensive gutter, roof, basement and foundation problems later. Even a little debris can form a blockage that can cause gutters to overflow, pouring potentially harmful amounts of water around the foundation. As the water table around the foundation [...]


2017-10-05T19:09:12-05:00By |Grass Seeding, Lawn Care, Spring Lawn Care, Watering, Weed Control|

Despite how much seed garden centers push out the door, spring is one of the worst times to seed a lawn. Spring seed rarely survives beyond the first days of July. By the time the seed germinates, the seedlings do not have enough time to develop a good root system before the onset of hot weather. [...]

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